
Integration created

How to use efficiently Postman


Postman is a great tool for testing REST API. It is very convenient to use it for testing WebStore API. However, it is not very convenient to copy/paste JWT token every time you need to test a new request due to the token expiration, server restart, etc. This article describes how to automate this process.

Environment variables

Define first environment variables for your Postman collection. You can do it in the following way: Postman env variables

Note: No need to define token variable. It will be defined automatically.

Pre-request script

Add the following script to the pre-request script section of your Postman collection:

        url: pm.environment.get("baseUrl")+"/auth/login",
        method: 'POST',
        header: 'Content-Type: application/json',
        body: {
                mode: 'raw',
                raw: JSON.stringify({ 
                    "username": pm.environment.get("username"),
                    "password": pm.environment.get("password")

    }, function (err, response) {
        pm.environment.set("token", response.json().token);


What does this script do?

  1. It sends a request to the login endpoint with the username and password from the environment variables.
  2. It saves the JWT token from the response to the environment variable token.
  3. This variable will be used in the Authorization header for all requests in the collection.


  1. Don’t forget to add the Authorization header to the collection.
    • Type: Bearer Token from context menu.
    • Token: { {token} } from the environment variable.
  2. This exemple uses the baseUrl, username and password environment variables. Login endpoint from webstore-api is /auth/login. You can change it to your own.values.


Now you can test your API without manual copy/paste of the JWT token. Use Inherit auth from parent for all requests. It will be executed automatically before each request. Nice and easy!