
Integration created

Icreated Projects

Icreated Web Portal

Icreated Web Portal is a web application based on Angular and PrimeNG frameworks that allows users to create and manage their own web front-end business logic.

Icreated Web Portal API plugin for iDempiere

Icreated Web Portal API is a RESTful API based on Spring framework and integrated in Idempiere OSGI environment. It allows users to create and manage their business logic for Web Portal.

Icreated Web Store for iDempiere

Icreated Web Store is an alternative for Idempiere Web Store. It is a web application based on Angular and Bootstrap frameworks. It allows users to create and manage icommerce business logic.

Icreated Web Store API plugin for iDempiere

Icreated Web Store API is a RESTful API based on JAX-RS Jersey framework and integrated in Idempiere OSGI environment. It allows users to create and manage their business logic for Web Store.

Swagger plugin for iDempiere

Swagger is a OpenAPI tool for Idempiere. It visualizes the RESTful API and allows users to test the API.